Creative Projects

With a passion for the intersection of technology and communication, I am inspired by innovation driven by diverse and alternative perspectives. Storytelling through written, visual and audio narratives has the ability to bring people together and solve problems too big for any one person to overcome alone. Through various creative projects exploring the use of different digital platforms, I have gained invaluable skills and perspective in storytelling through media.

Podcast Production

From conception to production, I created ‘Bigger Than Ever.’ Designed to introduce people to countries around the world in fun and engaging ways, audiences could learn the world is bigger than ever! As a student, I ideated, scripted, recorded, and edited a sample episode to show my concept in practice. By researching countries around the world, I could share histories, cultures, and even cuisines that engage and inspire both young and old listeners while supporting a brand well-suited to future collaborations with creators around the world. So take a listen and enjoy!

Video Production

From long form to content suited for social media forums, I have planned, filmed, and edited videos covering a host of topics and events.

Video 1: The Little Things

Tasked with creating a video inspired by a poem of our choosing, I made a tribute to the little things. Inspired by an anonymous poem I came across titled “The Little Things,” I chose to present the most beloved “little things” in my life that reminded me to stop, breath, and remember how good life can be. This tribute to the little things in life was also representative of my mindset as a college student at that time: despite the hustle and bustle of balancing school, jobs, and life there is always time to take a breath and recenter yourself.

Social Media Content

As an advertising student, I completed several classes in content production and created graphics for various brands. This allowed me to exercise my skills creating various kinds of media posts, including posts you would see in-feed and stories as seen on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.


Studies Abroad

